
Car-carrier abandoned after fire in the Atlantic

MOL car-carrier Felicity Ace was abandoned by its crew last week after a fire broke out while it was off the coast of the Azores.

All crew members escaped uninjured after they issued a distress call. The vessel had been transporting 4,000 Porsche and Volkswagen cars to the US. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

at time of writing the vessel is still adrift and the fire is under control. It will be towed by tugs to safe waters when possible. It is not known if any of the cars will be recoverable. It is likely the shipowner will declare General Average, which will mean all cargo stakeholders will proportionally share their losses from the incident.

This is yet another example from recent months of a serious incident leading to cargo being damaged or lost on freighters. Once again we advise all shippers to make sure their cargo is appropriately insured. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like any advice.

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