Procurement Practices Review

Procurement Practices Review

Information Management and Technology (IMT) branch has responsibility over Department of State Development and Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning for developing, delivering and maintaining technology solutions for its clients, as well as ensuring that information is appropriately managed. Based on concerns with how IMT branch operates to procure goods and services in the context of the department’s centre-led model, Charles Kendall Australia (CKA) was engaged to thoroughly review several aspects of IMT branch’s procurement practices.

The Challenge

  • Within a tight schedule, CKA was required to undertake a comprehensive review of IMT branch procurement practices, particularly with regard to best practice, as well as compliance with departmental policy and procedures. Throughout the engagement, it was necessary for investigations to recognise that IMT branch is comprised of five individual teams, each with unique characteristics and demands.

Our Approach

To undertake the review, CKA organised an array of interviews, conducted records audits, and reviewed policy and procedure documentation at branch, departmental, and whole-of-government levels. The review focused on several key areas of interest such as:

  • administration;
  • tools and templates;
  • probity considerations;
  • roles and responsibilities; and
  • forward planning.

Given the context of a coordinated, whole-of-government approach to procurement of information and communications technologies, the review also reflected on applicable governance regimes relevant to the areas of interest listed.

Additionally, as part of the engagement, CKA also reviewed a nominated high value contract to highlight risks and issues and offer recommendations accordingly.


  • The review of procurement practices led to 24 recommended improvements addressing all the various aspects of procurement operations. The final report logically prioritised recommendations and provided guidance for implementation.
  • The engagement was completed ahead of schedule and to the satisfaction of the client.